We had to wake up at about 6.30 and get ready for school at about 7.15am. I was quite nervous about how things would turn out to be in the school. We went to Mr Mark’s room, and were led to our classes by the kids. Dana and I were assigned to Mr Wald’s class, a 5th grader class. I was quite surprised to find out that almost 75 percent of the class was Hmong kids. The first day was quite an eye-opener; I got to know how the school life in United States is.
Basically, this was what I did in school about everyday (not so sure about the time):
8-8.30: Help the kids with their homework
8.30-9.30: Practice singing with the kids, Grammar and Spelling session
9.30-11.00: Science Class
11.00-12.00: Math and Writing
12.00-12.30: Reading
12.35-1.00: Recess – lunch with the kids and soccer
1.00-2.30: Math Class
2.30: School ends
After school, we went to the State Capitol in St Paul. We were scheduled to meet with Senator Mee Moua, the first Hmong senator in the States. However, she wasn’t there, as the secretary scheduling this meeting made some mistakes. So, instead of the senator, the secretary met us and answered some questions by us about the Hmong population in the immigration issues inside the senator’s office.
At night, after yet another wonderful dinner by Marjorie, we played Catch Phrase, which was a lot of fun.

Listening to the secretary inside the Senator's office