man, this blog is getting boring. have been browsing through other blogs, and it seems mine doesn't offer much...just a straightfoward, superficial-report-like description of the happenings in my life...
anyway, today is a cloudy/rainy day. though spring is already here. apparently, that is not the case...according to the weather forecast, it will snow the saturday...crazy huh?
just came back from the music school. fantaisie impromptu is getting on my nerves man...can't seem to master it although i try and try. and today i realized i totally cannot perform well if someone other than me is present. that's it!! there must be a change.
ok. let me set a plan, which hopefully will help me to master this not-so-difficult-but-dunno-why-i-can't-play-it-well piece.
every week, i will have two practise sessions at least.
each session will be at least one and a half hour long.
in the first 35 minutes, i MUST NOT PLAY ANY PIECES. it MUST BE STRICTLY allocated to fingering practice. Hanon, scales and negotiations.
- break (5 minutes). play nocturne in c# minor. (just to relax the hands)
for the next 5 minutes, i must limit myself to playing the cross rhythem section of FI. 5 MINUTES INTENSIVE PLAYING. MINIMAL REST.
- break (2 minutes). in that 2 minutes, practise the left hand part of FI. optional.
then PLAY the first 2 pages of FI for 10 minutes.
- break (2 minutes). do nothing.
- break (10 minutes). play rachmaninov's prelude in c#minor the second page.
play FI first two pages for another 10 minutes.
- for the last 10 minutes, try the ending part of FI.
end with something fun.
this must be strictly followed. hopefully, by doing this, i will be able to play the first two pags well enough in 2 months. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.......
good luck to me....nothing is impossible, impossible is nothing!!!!
6 years ago